Emmen is only an hour drive for me, but with a very much pimi wife I can't afford to go.
Let us know how it went?
facebook event link here.
translation of the dutch event description:.
foundation reclaimed voices organizes a peaceful protest to commemorate the effects of sexual abuse within closed religious communities such as jehovah's witnesses.. the location of the protest offers room to about 200 people.
Emmen is only an hour drive for me, but with a very much pimi wife I can't afford to go.
Let us know how it went?
it was announced at our clam that there "was no shipment of the october study editions of the watchtower" and that they were asking if people could just use electronic or make their own copies.. is this just happening in ohio, or did you hear the same thing?.
you'd think they'd have their own couriers delivering for free wouldnt you?
Aren't they actually moving away from that? Afaik they started using commercial parcel services in the UK?
let's say an aunt or uncle dies.
let's say you barely knew them.. let's say their memorial service was held at the kingdom hall.. let's say if you attend, you have to deal with shunning from family and jws, and you are forced listen to them present their paradise promotional materials, and the dead person's "earthly hopeā¢", and let's face it ... the heeby-jeebies of having to be in a kingdom hall again.. would you put yourself through it?
Recently the JW mom of an exjw friend died. I knew her as we were all in the same congregation. I like and respect both of my friend's parents and his siblings. His brother (is still very much a JW too) used to be my friend.
I went to the condolence 'meeting' at the funeral home on Monday evening. And I went to the KH propaganda talk on Wednesday.
Yes, I very much dislike that propaganda talk. Yet there are quite a few reasons for me to go anyway:
As expected the talk sucked. I'm happy the deceased had arranged for her actual funeral to be a friends and family only private event outside the kh, where friends and children spoke about personal memories.
Even my wife thought the talk was just an impersonal advertisement that wasn't fitting the deceased, nor the partly nonjw audience.
I stayed in the KH quite long afterwards. Some people came to me to chat (I was pinned down by a sleeping daughter). Some people notably didn't. Some did that strange hug that means "my JW brainwashed conscience doesn't allow me to actually speak to you, but my humanity compels me do do something loving and acknowledge you anyway".
Anyway my exjw friend very much appreciated me being there, and that's most important to me.
Oh, and I accidentally poured coffee on a chair in the auditorium. Oops.
it seems there used to be a new boe letter leaked all the time, besides videos, etc.
have the leaks been plugged?.
does anyone else feel overwhelmed on what to believe?.
i've been doing lots of research on beliefs, evolution, creationism but i feel no further forward about what i truly believe.
for example i looked at the fossil record and tiktaalic and thought great it proves a lot but then i've seen counter arguments on youtube of people basically saying its a load of rubbish and doesn't prove anything.
To add: think about what process you appear to trust when it comes to technology, food, medicine, etc. Why suddenly distrust that process when it comes to geology, biology, paleontology, etc.?
does anyone else feel overwhelmed on what to believe?.
i've been doing lots of research on beliefs, evolution, creationism but i feel no further forward about what i truly believe.
for example i looked at the fossil record and tiktaalic and thought great it proves a lot but then i've seen counter arguments on youtube of people basically saying its a load of rubbish and doesn't prove anything.
"I don't know" is a perfectly fine answer to the big questions. Embrace not knowing. Own it. You can always make up your mind later.
It's not as if the answers have any impact on your daily life, right? You'll try to be the best, kindest you anyway (I hope).
hi new folks, lurkers and trolls.
i thought i would post this simple but interesting video which shows how scientists bring multiple lines of evidence together to prove evolution is true; for example:.
comparative anatomy.
I see from one of your pictures that (some believe) there have been 1393 'kinds' of animals on the Ark?
By what process would 1393 'kinds' evolve transform into the millions of animal species alive today?
Do you think this involved the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations?
If not, are you able to propose an alternative?
If so, please read the first sentence of this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution?wprov=sfla1
hi new folks, lurkers and trolls.
i thought i would post this simple but interesting video which shows how scientists bring multiple lines of evidence together to prove evolution is true; for example:.
comparative anatomy.
Fact: All life comes from a previous life
Does it? How do you know?
Assuming you believe in a Creator, do you believe your Creator is alive?
Fact: All information comes from a mind
Does it? How do you know?
Entertaining the idea that all information comes from a mind, where did the information that describes the functions of minds come from?
Assuming you believe in a Creator, do you believe this Creator has a mind?
If you answered the last question below each quote with yes, doesn't that mean your premises are incorrect, and thus your reasoning incorrect?
Note that I'm not saying no Creator exists! I'm merely discussing your reasoning.
excellent video from theramin tree's.
it's funny that we can relate entirely to the jw's in this.
An exjw himself.
Nope. He was raised in a strict religious home, but very much NOT a JW.
former governing body assistant howie tran has shared his bethel vow of poverty contract.
it reads rather culty.
i think clause number 9 is particularly worrying...to adhere to, not the bible alone, but also the watchtower literature and the governing body.
This is what every JW implicitly and unknowingly 'signed' at baptism: obey or be kicked out.
They only write it black on white for Bethel slaves to cover their ass legally. "You vowed to become poor and you agreed to be kicked out of you are disobedient. Now gtfo!"